In close collaboration with Direct Ecology, the SAC and Space Intelligence we have developed a framework for assessing the natural capital baseline of sites across the UK. Using a scientific approach allows us to ensure that our landscape scale restoration projects are enhancing habitat, purifying the air, mitigating climate change and leaving a legacy a improved amenity.
Who we serve

Those who are considering how carbon can benefit them.
We can conduct a desktop analysis that can give indicative projections of carbon yields on a given land area.
We can produce indicative cashflows and planting plans.
We can compare native broadleaf planting strategies with commercial forestry to find the best combination for a given context.
We can register and manage your carbon for you.
We can help promote your carbon to buyers.

Those looking to meet their carbon targets.
We can provide solutions for offsetting unavoidable carbon emissions.
We can act as agents between landowners and business to find bespoke carbon offset solutions.
We can offer advice on how to describe and communicate your carbon strategy and the co benefits, such as flood risk mitigation, habitat creation and biodiversity, improved amenity value etc.

Those building Environmental Social and Governance investments.
We can present and manage purchase opportunities for funds and investors to optimise investment in forestry.
We can help investors navigate the intricacy of the carbon registration process.
We can manage woodlands to optimise both timber and carbon value.
Carbon Cheat Sheet
Please download our Carbon Cheat Sheet for a simplified walk through the process.
Natural Capital Services
Please download our natural capital services document to understand our science based approach to natural capital assessment.

We’ve Been Managing Woodlands For Over 20 years
Let Us Help
Whether you have one tree in your garden or you are managing a whole estate, we are here to help you. Get in touch today!